We are excited to announce that the restoration fund has reached $100,000 in donations from individuals and local businesses. WOW!
When we started fundraising at the end of 2014 we weren’t sure we would meet our goal. It was a little overwhelming that a group of volunteers could do it!
Since then, we’ve shared our message through letters, on Facebook, in meetings with with local business leaders, published articles in the newspaper, held open houses, sent emails, organized the 150th celebration and silent auction, created and sold our books, and displayed our fundraising thermometer for the community to track our progress.
We are truly grateful for the community support! Since there are no paid employees, 100% of donations go directly to supporting the restoration of this historic landmark.
We do not receive funding from any governmental or religious organization. We are entirely funded by community members like you, plus a small amount of income from weddings and the sale of cemetery plots.
If you would like to donate to the church, we are still accepting contributions. Donations are fully tax-deductible and we will promptly send you a receipt.
Donors and memorial/honor dedications are listed on our website at the link below.
Thank you for your generosity!