The 150th anniversary celebration of “the big white church on the hillside” was a great success. The spirits of the early church members must have been looking on with happiness as more than 250 history lovers, supporters and descendants arrived from eleven different states to mark the day. The weather could not have been more perfect as folks gathered at the church to hear Rev. Ken Michaelis, the second great grandson of founders Johann “John” Voss and Christian “Christ” Pierstorff lead the service and the Madison Maennerchor fill the building with music.
At the 1902 celebration Rev. Ernst Scherbel, said that in the early days “…by evening everyone was hoarse and exhausted. Pork and potatoes and a pipe of home-grown tobacco cleared their throats quickly. Dick and Tom, the oxen, often ran off at night to the big meadow in order to escape the work of the ground breaking plow…” Dick and Tom were nowhere to be seen (though we remembered them with the clang of a cow bell) and there was no smoking at Kalscheur Park but we all enjoyed a memorable meal of pork and potatoes and all the trimmings prepared by Stoddard’s Catering of Cottage Grove.
Someone said the real story was the way the guests were so interconnected. We saw one person with at least six surnames connecting him to several early Middleton residents. As one person said, “folks didn’t go far from the barn in those days!” New connections were discovered and we were told more than a few tears were shed as unknown relatives found one another.
Special thanks to Alice Voss Drake and Sandy Schwenn Reno for the incredible work they did to make this a truly special day. All had a good time listening to the German band, Buttons and Banjo, reading the historical posters, studying old plat maps and searching for a treasure at the silent auction.
The celebration was intended to be just that – with the goal that it must pay for itself. That goal was more than met. After all expenses were paid, $20,427.37 was received! The entire amount will go toward renovation expenses. A severe wind and hail storm that pelted the area shortly after the celebration drove rain into all the north facing windows. This fall steel siding and new windows will be installed. We are blessed that we will be able to protect the building from further deterioration.
The board thanks every single one of you for making the day one to remember in the ongoing life of this place we love.
We are so grateful to the many individuals and businesses who supported the 150th celebration with a donation to the event or to the silent auction. If we missed you, please let us know!
Alpha Graphics
Ann Falconer
Barbara & John Bass
Betty & William Evans
Bob & Sue Schenck
Brightside Skincare
Chris Schenck
Clasen’s European Bakery
Dan & Jan Cross
Electric Theatre Controls
Emily Knocke
Great Dane Pub & Brewery
Hallman-Lindsey Paints
Harbor Athletic Club
Jackie Steiner
Joann Ringelstetter
Ken & Vickie Bortz
Kruse Family Descendents
Lois Pierstorff
Madison Maennerchor
Madison Marriott, West
Martha Buckmaster
Mary Feiler
McDonald’s – Greenway
Meuer Art and Framing
Middleton Historical Society
Momentum Floral & Décor
Orange Tree Imports
Ralph Turner
Ray & Sheryl Anderson
Reverend Ken Michaelis
Sam’s Club
Sandy & Dennis Reno
Schumann Family – Dyanne Schwartz, Bernie Gehrman
Steve & Cathy Cross
Sybil Klatt
Sylvia Turner
The Shoe Box
Virgil Matz