Church Membership Records
The church records are available for 3 time periods: 1884-1905, 1906-1941, and 1941-1957. Church records include membership, baptisms, confirmations, marriages, and funerals. To view an index of all the records, click here.
Membership Records 1884-1905
Membership Records 1906-1941
Membership Records 1941-1957

In May 1977, Richard Durkopp typed the inscriptions of the graves in the cemetery at that time. If you are doing genealogy research, you may find this .pdf document helpful. First Lutheran Cemetery inscriptions including old cemetery.
In April 1993 Sturges and Marilyn Bailey copied the inscriptions from the graves in the old cemetery down the hill on Pleasant View as well as the current cemetery behind the church. If you are looking for inscriptions after May 1977, you may find them here. Please note that some of the older graves may have become too weathered to be legible by 1993, so be sure to look at the earlier list for older graves. WSGS Newsletter Vol 39 No 4 April 1993 First German Lutheran Cemetery and Log Church Cemetery.
Many of the grave sites have been photographed and added to FindaGrave.com. Click here to go directly to the First Lutheran Cemetery page on their website.

Old Cemetery
At the original site of First Lutheran Church, when it was only a small log building, there is a small cemetery where some of the early founders are buried. This cemetery is just north of the current church on Pleasant View Rd., between Old Sauk and Blackhawk Rd.
These graves have also been photographed and added to FindaGrave.com. Click here to go directly to the “Old” First Lutheran Cemetery page on their website.